Dr. Kerri Duncan, BCBA
Dr. Kerri Duncan has over 35 years experience in the field of education, behavior analysis and treating children and young adults with special needs. Dr. Kerri specializes in the area of Autism specifically. Dr. Kerri is available to consult, provide professional development, parent coaching, conduct Functional Behavior Assessments, create programs for individuals on the spectrum and is a qualified ADOS-2 EXAMINER. Dr. Kerri received her training for the ADOS-2 at the Virginia Treatment Center for Autism under the direction of Dr. Norman Geller, Ph.D.
Dr. Kerri is expanding her business by adding additional examiners in January 2025. Average wait time to be evaluated by Dr. Kerri is 2 weeks. Reports are written and given to the family within 3-4 business days after the assessment is complete. The office visit lasts approximately 1.5 hours. Under certain circumstances, virtual assessments will be considered. Children ages 18 months through adulthood can be seen by Dr. Kerri. ALL insurance to include Medicaid accept Dr. Kerri's reports to approve ABA therapy when signed by an MD.